Sanchez-Rios, A., Shearman, R. K., Klymak, J., D'Asaro, E., & Lee, C. (2020). Observations of cross-frontal exchange associated with submesoscale features along the North Wall of the Gulf Stream. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 103342.
Sanchez-Rios, A., Shearman, R. E. Shroyer. ,L. St Laurent, L. Craig, A. Lucas and H. L Simmons.Characterization of Interleaving at the Edge of a Kuroshio Intrusion. manuscript in preparation.
Gonzalo. S. Saldias, R. Kipp Shearman. A. Sanchez-Rios, and R. Letelier Seaglider observations reveal dominant cross-shore scales of variability in the oxygen minimum zone northern Chile. manuscript in preparation.
Sanchez-Rios, A., S.N. Chen & S. Kida Understanding the forcing of return circulation observed near Coastal currents